Sunday, June 25, 2017

Hanging tough!

When things are rough, hang in tough. I know, most folks say its easier said than done and growing up I so often thought the same way but the older I've got I have learned you have to do this even when life tosses its worst at you.

I hung it tough in my truck race Saturday night in the top 10 and came away with a 5th place finish. I hang in tough with my RA too, grin and bear it through the pain and persevere in the end as victorious! Victory is a victory, even if you're paying for it and hurting from it at the finish. Hang tough and strive for your best finish!

~Mrs. Laura

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Difference Maker

My parents told me when I was a child that our attitudes determine how we'll do in life and what we'll get from it. If I ever got discouraged, my mom or dad would tell me try again and that a solution is found from making mistakes. I stuck by this throughout my life afterwards with my music when I was constantly rejected by record companies and kept plugging away and it really has struck me ever since my RA diagnosis. If we're negative about what we're given, we'll get the negativity in return that we put into it. It works the same if we're positive and try to make the most of what we're given, we WILL get that in return.

No religious views will help us see things positively if we're constantly negative, there is no quick fix solution. The repairer of attitudes begins within US, not with someone else or behind beliefs. We can all make a positive attitude if we grit out the tears and hard work, anybody that says otherwise has never tried or they gave up when things got too hard.

Make that difference, be positive. Never let negativity drag you down!